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Best Ways to Store All the Stuff in Your Garage

Messy Garage

There is seldom a room in a home that is more quickly utilized (and overwhelmed) than the garage. Without a good storage system, it can become an abyss of forgotten holiday décor, old and broken sporting equipment, and toys your kids have outgrown. Moving into a new home is the perfect time to establish a usable garage storage system.

First, everything should have a place. This includes easy-to-store things like boxes and bins, as well as bulkier items like a lawn mower.

Lawn equipment: Rakes, shovels, and spades can be stored vertically on a pegboard. You can use the same strategy for cleaning items, like brooms and mops.

Bikes: Almost every family has bikes, many just parked haphazardly on the edge of the garage. You can buy or build a bike storage rack to keep everything orderly. Wall hooks are another way to keep these items up and out of the way.

Drawers: Never underestimate the utility of drawers to corral all of the small odds and ends that find their way to the garage. If you are particularly handy, this can be a prime place to store tools.

Bins: Large plastic storage tubs are another great place to store seldom used things in the garage. Consider using clear plastic bins to make sure that you know the contents of each, making it easier to find things when you need them. You can also include labels.

Shoe station: If you enter and exit your home through your garage, designate a place near the door for shoes, backpacks, coats, and any other items that you will need as you go out into the world.

Consider your hobbies: If you love gardening, create a space in your garage for tools and plants. If models are your thing, having a place to work under a bright light and magnifier will make your garage one of your favorite rooms. Make the space work for you and your interests.

With some attention in the beginning, you can keep your garage a useful and organized part of your new home.

John A. Rodriguez is a Senior Mortgage Banker with iFinance Mortgage Inc. His passion is educating families and individuals to better understand the home loan process and then to help secure the best possible financing available. Contact John a call today!

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