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Home purchase sentiment starting to heat up, especially among renters

Sitting on the fence, still renting, thinking about purchasing a home? We can help. Contact us today at 949-415-4101 or jrod@ifminc.com to get pre-approved and we can answer all your questions regarding the home loan process.

First-timers aren’t the only ones confident in the state of the housing market. The percentage of all respondents who say it’s a good time to buy a home has grown from 52% in May to 61% in June, while the share of those who believe it’s a bad time to buy fell from 39% to 27%. As a result, the net share of Americans who believe it’s a good time to buy rose by 21 percentage points.

Read the full Scotsman Guide article here.

John A. Rodriguez is a Senior Mortgage and Home Loan Specialist with iFinance Mortgage Inc. His passion is educating families and individuals to better understand the home loan process, to secure the best financing available, and then to protect their mortgage. Contact John today at jrod@ifminc.com or 949-456-7056! LinkedIn: http://ow.ly/fttL50xQAUi

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