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How Delta upended California’s economic outlook — from ‘sizzling to ho-hum’

Remember when the economic recovery in California and the nation was going to seem like the Roaring ’20s? That was what UCLA forecasters predicted nine months ago. Remember when it was likely to be “euphoric”? So they said six months ago. Or when it was expected to be “boom time for the U.S. economy”? That was three months ago.

But the Delta variant of the coronavirus has upended the calculations of forecasters. Click here to read the complete article from the LA Times.

John A. Rodriguez is a Senior Mortgage and Home Loan Specialist with iFinance Mortgage Inc. His passion is educating families and individuals to better understand the home loan process, to secure the best financing available, and then to protect their mortgage. Contact John today at or 949-456-7056! LinkedIn:

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