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Is there a future for cruising after the coronavirus?

The cruise ships Diamond Princess, Grand Princess, Ruby Princess, and MS Zaandam will be remembered. They will remain in the minds of the cruise world. They will factor in as examples of what can go wrong when trying to predict a future for cruising The ships, ill-equipped to handle the deadly virus, had 1,588 COVID-19 cases and 34 deaths. Each ship was denied permission to allow its passengers and crew to disembark to hospitals and quality quarantine facilities for too long. While waiting for disembarkation, passengers were literally held captive, confined to their cabins almost 24 hours a day, some for weeks, in a vain attempt to halt the spread of the virus. Some Diamond Princess passengers were cabin quarantined for 23 days, despite hundreds on the ship becoming infected and some dying during the failed quarantine.

Will you cruise again? Read the full article here.

John A. Rodriguez is a Senior Mortgage and Home Loan Specialist with iFinance Mortgage Inc. His passion is educating families and individuals to better understand the home loan process, to secure the best financing available, and then to protect their mortgage. Contact John today at or 949-456-7056! LinkedIn:

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