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The biggest mortgage industry trends of 2019 that will carry into 2020

The last 365 days proved that as much as the industry tries to predict the real estate market, nothing beats proactively preparing for any type of lending environment. The best example of this was also one of the biggest mortgage industry trends of 2019: the drop in interest rates.

By the end of 2018, there was an overwhelming amount of negative housing data points that didn’t bode well for a strong start to last year. A majority of the forecasts for 2019 predicted that interest rates would rise, causing would-be buyers to continue renting, along with rising home prices and tight inventory making affordability sound impossible.

HousingWire asked five voices in the industry to share what they uniquely saw happening in 2019 and what top mortgages trends people in the industry should watch for heading into the new year.

Read the full HW article and enjoy the videos here.

Housing Wire Bulletin

John A. Rodriguez is a Senior Mortgage and Home Loan Specialist with iFinance Mortgage Inc. His passion is educating families and individuals to better understand the home loan process, to secure the best financing available, and then to protect their mortgage. Contact John today at jrod@ifminc.com or 949-456-7056! LinkedIn: http://ow.ly/fttL50xQAUi

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