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What Areas are “Hot” in Real Estate?

Going into 2022, many potential home buyers and real estate investors are watching certain cities to find the best buys. Many factors impact housing prices, including job creation and growth in the area, population growth, and others. Some areas grow faster than others and offer great opportunities for home buyers to get a great value on their home purchase. Want to specifically look for a hot real estate market? Check out these cities that are growing.

Growing Real Estate Markets in 2022

  • Raleigh, North Carolina
  • Tampa, Florida
  • Jacksonville, Florida
  • San Antonio, Texas
  • Charlotte, North Carolina
  • Nashville, Tennessee
  • Boise, Idaho
  • Phoenix, Arizona
  • Austin, Texas

Home prices in some markets are consistently high and remain so for years. While you may not be able to find a great deal in these markets, chances are you won’t be losing money by purchasing a home there.


Real Estate Markets Still Going Strong in 2022

  • San Francisco, California
  • San Diego, California
  • Los Angeles, California
  • Boston, Massachusetts
  • Sacramento, California

The best way to find out more about your market is to talk to a real estate agent to get first-hand knowledge about home prices, buying and selling trends, and which neighborhoods will work for your wants and needs.

Keep in mind that housing trends do not always follow predictions. Buying a home in a “hot area” is not a guarantee that the value will increase or even stay the same. It’s always best to work directly with an expert, such as a real estate agent, in your area.


It’s also important to make sure that your new city can provide the lifestyle and opportunities that you want. In the market for a new job? Many of these cities also have plenty of growth in the job market as well.

John A. Rodriguez is a Senior Mortgage Banker with iFinance Mortgage Inc. His passion is educating families and individuals to better understand the home loan process and then to help secure the best possible financing available. Contact John a call today!

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